PRINT YOUR OWN Eye Stickers Template pack

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Now you can quickly and easily print your own Eye Stickers for use with all of your balloon animals, shopkins characters, princesses etc!

To use: Open up the Word Document (or PDF file for Mac users) for the type of eyes you want to print. In this download you will get 4 files, one for blue eyes, one for green eyes, one for brown eyes and one for black eyes. Works great with Microsoft Word or use the PDF files and follow the instructions for printing from the PDF's if you're not using Microsoft Word. After opening the file you want to print, just load a sheet of labels into your printer and print!

You can print as many eyes as you want, over and over again! The multipurpose labels come in packs of 1008 stickers for around $7. Even after purchasing these template files for $10 that comes out to about 1 cent per sticker!

For use with Office Depot brand Multipurpose Labels #660-534. Purchase your labels at Office Depot or online:
You can also use Avery brand labels #5408:

*This is for a downloadable product, no physical products will be delivered. You get 4 Word document files and 4 PDF files in this download so you can print your own stickers, physical stickers are not included*